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My Favorite High-Protein Snacks

Stay full, energized and happy

Hopefully you’re not getting tired of me talking about the importance of getting more protein into your diet. It’s something so many people can benefit from, and I want to share some quick and easy ways to get more protein in your day.

In a perfect world, we can all eat 3 full, adult-sized meals a day packed with healthy protein, fiber and fat, each meal keeping us full until the next one. But we all know that doesn’t happen.

Sometimes, we need a snack. Maybe you’re on the go and instead of grabbing a pastry or granola bar, you want something that will keep you full and won’t cause a sugar crash.

Or you’re at work and it’s going to be a while before you can get home for dinner. Maybe you’re traveling and a bag of pretzels isn’t going to cut it.

Don’t worry y’all, I’ve got you.

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Here are my favorite high-protein snacks

These bars are made from pasture-raised meats and come in a wide variety of flavors. From beef, pork, and chicken to bison and venison, these bars pack between 7g - 12g of protein each.

Hard boiled eggs

These you just make yourself. It’s super easy to make a batch of 10-12 eggs at a time, making sure you have enough for the week. Throw a couple in a glass container before heading out the door for work so you can start the day with plenty of protein.

Chicharrones get a bad wrap as a snack with too much fat and too much salt. But the 4505 Chicharrones are fried in rendered pork fat (not seed oils) and contain only 4 ingredients. They pack 7g of protein per serving and make a great substitute for potato chips. The sodium is a touch on the high side, so if you are watching your sodium intake for any reason, you might make these a once a week snack.

This isn’t your average Slim Jim made with who knows what. The Chomps meat sticks are made with 100% grass-fed beef or venison and contain just a few easy to recognize ingredients. They come in 1.15oz or a smaller .5oz Chomplings stick that is perfect for kids. The 1.15oz sticks brag 9g of protein, and has flavors like venison and jalapeno beef and are perfect for throwing in the car for a long road trip.

While I don’t typically go for a chewy snack bar, these are legit. These bars boast 9-10g of protein a piece, and are packed with nutrient dense ingredients like spirulina, pumpkin seeds, blueberries, and broccoli. With a list of ingredients you can pronounce, these guys are a great way to keep your energy up.

So y’all, the main theme here is high protein, low sugar. Eating enough protein will help hold off sugar cravings and keep energy high. Packaged foods can often have hidden sugars, so it’s easy to get too much and throw you off track.

As always, I hope you got a lot of value out of this content. Maybe this sparked some ideas for you for tasty, healthy snacks to keep around your house. Sometimes you just need to take little steps like this to make big progress.

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